Bogotá, Colombia
August 24, 2016
He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Isaiah 2:4 (NRSV)
The time to beat our weapons into instruments of peace has arrived! The biblical promise speaks to this achievement of a final peace agreement between the Colombian Government and the FARC guerrilla! Because of this we are filled with hope!
We appreciate the commitment and persistence of the Colombian Government and FARC guerrilla negotiation teams that enabled them to reach a final peace agreement and end the armed conflict. The end of this more than fifty-year-old conflict is an important step forward that enables us to begin processes of truth, justice, antimilitarism, nonviolence and reconciliation. As DiPaz we consider this agreement to be a sign of the times, an opportune moment and good news that leads us towards conflict transformation in Colombia. Because of this we are filled with hope!
The conversation stage has ended and now we prepare for the implementation of the accords; a time where we seek the fullness of life, where the table is served and shared with all from every region and territory in Colombia; no exceptions, no discrimination, no violations of rights, no repeat victims, no more attacks on our shared home, gift of gifts, our mother earth. Because of this we are filled with hope!
As we affirm the step taken today we also recognize the need to go further and call on the Colombian government and the National Liberation Army – ELN to begin peace talks. As DiPaz we reaffirm our call to do this as soon as possible. Because of this we are filled with hope!
As we move towards implementing the peace accords we reaffirm our role, as churches and faith-based organizations, of prophetically proclaiming the good news. As part of Colombian civil society, we are aware that the post-accords period will require all our effort and commitment as accompaniers and verifiers to demand the implementation of that which has been agreed. Because of this we are filled with hope!
We say yes to the peace agreement!
Interchurch Dialog for Peace, DiPaz
160825 DiPaz Statement on Peace Accord